張一飛 Dr. Ifay Chang
2024 新書出版快報

Dr. Wordman books, US-China Forum Columnist
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張一飛 Dr. Ifay Chang 專訪視訊
April 23, 2023

Ifay Chang on Lula and Macron's trips to China & US attempt to use Taiwan as pawn in War on China

Ifay Chang - Is US v. China an Inter-Imperialist Rivalry or is a Hegemon v. an Anti-Hegemon?


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

張一飛 Dr. Ifay Chang
2023 英文新書出版快報

Dr. Wordman books, US-China Forum Columnist

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中美論壇專訪 (2022年1月23日)

根據「九二共識」發起人 蘇起近期的警世之語,
「中美論壇」張文基教授 接受 金祿慈博士 專訪,
明確指出台獨走向政策若不改變, 4到8年之內將被統一.
海外學人關心台海局勢, 希望台海兩岸和平統一,中美關係良性發展.


主持人: 金祿慈博士(Dr. King)
特邀來賓: 張文基 教授,感謝 美天電視,中美論譠,海外國民智庫.

台灣光復 76 週年 Zoom 線上慶祝大會

點擊下面鏈接來參加線上會議(Join Zoom Meeting
或者在 Zoom 網頁上填寫 Meeting ID: 834 5687 8258
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中美論壇  讀者意調




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1-25-2021 中美論壇致拜登總統信函



張一飛 Dr. Ifay Chang
2021 英文新書出版快報




自從1991年蘇聯和前東歐共産政權垮台後,美國主流媒体開始散佈對中國的負面報道, 2008年金融危機後情况繼續悪化,川普就任後更是全面無底線的攻擊和造謠。 然而,2020年新冠病毒後,越来越多的人,特别是曾經在中國居住過的人自發的站出来,制作節目,用親身的體驗提出自己的不同觀點。下面我們鄭重的推荐他們及一些他們的代表性視頻:

  1. Cyrus Janssen (王德中),曾在中國居住10年,代表作品:“Why the World Needs China” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3seXF5Cuy6Q
  2. Nathan Rich (火鐹大王),住在北京,代表作品:“Why do I defend China” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plujK57y8bY
  3. Daniel Dumbrill,住在深圳的加拿大國籍啤酒商,代表作品:“What is the Communist Party of China?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKxQDezR7Bg
  4. Martin Jacques,英國籍記者、歴史學家、者和2009年全球最畅销When China Rules the World, 的作者,近期代表作品:“From Follower To Leader: The Story Of China’s Rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psyy4KqEKtA
  5. Kishore Mahbubani,者、作者,曾擔任星加坡駐聯合國大使10年,代表作品:“Has China Won?: The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Nrgw37If0
  6. 牟洋洋,是華人資訊網熱門政論節目焦點大家談”的主持人,属來自大年青世代在美國的新媒體人,他們的一個特點是力求獨立、多元和客觀的看世界問题。近期節目:“拜登时代 中美是對抗還對抗還是合作?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpJu7dznDs0&t=2084s


 一剪梅 英文版
Xue Hua Piao Piao (雪花飄飄)
Donald Trump in Deep Trouble


  抗疫抗議眾叛親離 川普危矣 https://youtu.be/ugIZpBBpGfw

  “黑人命也是命” 運動對華人的启示以及後川普时代的


張一飛 Dr. Ifay Chang 2020 英文新書


The central theme of the U.S. foreign policy may not have changed much from her core beliefs of anti-communism and promotion of democracy and capitalism, but the style of conducting foreign affairs certainly has taken a new skit since Donald Trump has become the 45th US Preident. As a black mustang elected into the White House with no previous Washington experience, Trump took a 'Strongman' approach to govern his country and to deal with leaders of other countries. The U.S. in her two and half century history has marched successfully to the status of superpower. Broadly tracing from Washington, Monroe, to  Lincoln, two Roosevelts, then to Nixon, Carter, Reagon and through Clinton, Bush and Obama, the U.S. foreign policy touts isolationism sometimes but actually cultivates American Globalism for her advantage, expansion and world leadership (some may say domination).
Trump's “America First” and “Make America Great Again' are not adopting isolationism nor practicing the 'American Globalism'. On the other hand, China with her several thousands years of history, she was able to be self sufficient for a couple of millenia appearing to be acting in isolationism until she was forced open by the 'Eight Western Powers' in the 19th century. China's republic nation building was treacherous with unwanted continuous foreign interference, intervention, and even invasion. She was forced into isolation in most part of 20th century until Nixon-Kissinger changed the US China policy. Now China has risen not only embracing capitalism in her controlled manner but also practicing globalism with Chinese style of leadership. This is Dr. Chang's sixth book on US-China relations. He wishes to guide his readers to read this book with isolationism and globalism in mind.
Contact : ifaywanli@yahoo.com   


If you would flip the pages of this book, you would find various topics related to the U.S. and China. In the first few chapters besides discussions on China policy and US-China relations, you will find topics on making America great again, corona virus, China's Belt and Road Initiative, South China Sea issue and US-China trade agreement. Continue on, you will find some domestic issues, election, impeachment, freedom of speech and universal value as well as analysis on Hong Kong protest, China's defense white paper, CCP's secret for success and competition between the U.S. and China.
You will find more papers on trade dispute and how to face competition from China including the last chapter of the book tracing the trade negotiation chronologically to the final phase one deal. Since this book is a collection of short essays on different subjects, the author tried to use the introduction and conclusion chapters to formulate a theme which may not be obvious from reading the separate discussions.
If we would review the history of both China and the U.S. , we would find both countries had gone through a phase of isolation (although each had different interpretation of isolationism) and then embraced globalization (also globalism was practiced differently). The U.S. interprets isolationism in her own way and swayed between that and globalism. China was forced into isolation but eventually broke out. Committed strongly to her ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI or OBOR), China is definitely embracing globalism to sustain her economic development.

** Book is available on Amazon and Kindle books




環球聚焦 張文基訪談 美国城市卫视

张文基:台湾大选对未来台湾走向和两岸关系影响重大 https://youtu.be/sSR6hCioJm0

张文基:民主党控制的众议院弹劾Trump总统重在影响2020大选(A) 11-3-2019 https://youtu.be/CAGgxRo4NI4

張文基:民主党控制的众议院弹劾Trump总统重在影响2020大选(B) 11-3-2019 https://youtu.be/JIe8vWbtSjw

张文基:民主党控制的众议院弹劾Trump总统重在影响2020大选(C) 11-3-2019 https://youtu.be/cyRSaYNQfSw


Don’t make China our enemy, reject the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act

The recently passed Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019, H.R.3289, is a poor bill and should be rejected. 
We all support the fundamental rights of Hong Kong citizens.   Unfortunately, the peaceful demonstrations have degenerated into dangerous and violent riots, which greatly damages the foundation of a democratic society.   Restoring law and order is the highest concern of the people of Hong Kong, and this bill could be sending the wrong message of encouraging the violent rioters. 
The US-China relationship is facing serious challenges, and the last thing we should do is to unnecessarily antagonize China by interjecting ourselves into an internal problem of China. 
We strongly endorse your sovereignty doctrine and it is in this spirit that we urge you to reject H.R.3289.


我們都支持香港市民的基本權利。  不幸的是,和平示威已退化為危險的和暴力的動亂,這嚴重的破壞了民主社會的基礎。  恢復治安是香港市民最關心的問題,而這項法案可能發出鼓勵暴力動亂者的錯誤資訊。


  1. 上网签名支持不需要在白宫网站上開账号,只需电子邮箱号码和名字。
  2. 兩种方法签名:
    A . 在逹到150人签名之前,必須点击复制下面链接才能签名 (現已達到)。https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/dont-make-china-our-enemy-reject-hong-kong-human-rights-and-democracy-act
    B. 逹到150人以後,则可以在白宫网站上搜索到我們的请愿书,此後,你也可以用下面的方式签名。
  3. 打上https://petitions.whitehouse.gov 网页打开 , 在Sign a Petition标题下面两行,点击 View Petitions With Updates, 将见到許多PETITIONS, 早递上的請願書列在前面,如果没有看到你想签名的請願書,请在页底点击LOAD MORE,打开更多的請願
  4. 到想签的請願書後,按SIGN IT 键,請願書的具体内容网页会出现,在网页右边表格裡打入你的名,姓,电邮地址,点击SIGN NOW,完成第一步签名程序。 
  5. 你会立即收到白宫发出的电邮,要求你确认你的签名,你需点击Confirm your signature by clicking here.才算完成签名程序。
  6. 如果在一个月内, 也就是11月21日前,有超过10万人签名, 总统必须回答我们的请然不小, 然而, 衆志成城,希望大家共同努力, 發出我们的心聲。


不論是從經濟,軍事,政治,思想,文化等各方面,都看到世界重心正在從歐美轉向亞洲。 中華文明能爲轉變的世界做貢獻嗎? 世界各地的華人,特別是兩岸及港澳華人如何抓住機遇?


  1. 臺灣民主後天不足/環球聚焦 美國城市衛視HTTPs://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xX8zfwRMw5w
  2. 民主制度難以解決臺灣島內很多問題/環球聚焦 美國城市衛視 HTTPs://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T2m_U5Xvs1g&t=2s
  3. 兩岸需借鑒中華文化體系中的政治設計/環球聚焦 美國城市衛視 HTTPs://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8SvkzApu0Vs
  4. 臺灣選舉民主政治與人民期待有落差/環球聚焦 美國城市衛視 HTTPs://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uU7wrbcdz9w

8月15日,日本投降日,也是中國走向復興的重要日子,美西華人學會和北美南加華人 寫作協會及中美論壇在僑二中心邀請黃光國教授談兩岸合作重建文化中國是促進兩岸和平繁榮的最重要基礎。 佟秉宇和梅強英完整的錄下全程演講,透過新民論譠在 Youtube上播出,共四集:HTTPs://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yXMSwft37lg&t=1009s

下面的鏈接將引領您到 新民論壇 空中講座 中美論壇社節目

歡迎先目睹為快 ! 

Youtube 視頻系列:


78日 美中貿易戰 (四) 打奉陪到底 


711日美中貿易戰 (五) 中方的反制措施 

715日 美中貿易戰 () 台灣的抉擇 



6月3日  臺灣人民的根本訴求是什麼?戰爭還是和平?

6月4日 為什麼臺灣迷失了過去這30年

6月17日 如何從文化一中邁向"一中"

621 維持兩岸和平是中美的共同利益

624 台灣不能做美中大博弈的小棋





522日首播  中美論壇談美中貿易戰(最終妥協前的風雨?


523日首播  中美論壇談美中貿易戰(美方豈能既要錢又要命


524日首播  中美論壇談美中貿易戰()巴西柔術與西洋拳的對決


下面的鏈接將引領您到 新民論壇 空中講座 中美論壇社節目







中美論壇社 Facebook 臉書專頁



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為美中友誼的鞏固努力 !
為中國的和平統一吶喊 !
我 們都來自臺灣,那兒是我們求學成長的地方,是我們魂牽夢縈的故鄉。臺灣民風樸實,平和謙讓,刻苦向上,奮鬥愛拼,這種美德是培養我們的滋潤品也是我們以她為傲的感情所繋;臺灣不幸曾經受日本殖民統治,有些人想依靠外力,脫離中國走向獨立,我們認為臺獨主張有違民族大義,是我們堅決反對的。

美國是我們安生立命的新國度,我們感謝美國給予我們生存發展成家立業的機會。和許多其他美國人一樣,我們對美國政府的一些政策也不一定會完全買單, 例如入侵伊拉克,支持埃及軍政府,尤其是美日同盟,就像養了條惡狗(日本)又不將牠拉上鏈條,惹了禍,引火燒身怎麼辦?對於美國一些不合理的作法,我們要透過各種管道去抗議和防止!

美 國和中國是當今世界最大的兩個經濟體,兩國之間有著盤根錯節的商貿利益,互相依賴的唇齒関係。兩國的互信合作將為世界帶來穩定繁榮,兩國的猜疑衝突將為人 纇帶來毀滅災害。美中兩國相距萬里,沒有領土方面的糾纏,應該沒有敵對的理由;歷史上又曾經同是反法西斯的盟友,為二次大戰羸得了最後勝利;韓戰的激烈交 鋒,兩國都大傷元氣,最後一紙協議,雙方才如夢初醒,深深體會到什麼是和為貴!尼克森總統到中國的破冰之旅,美中関係的增強,最後才會出 現蘇聯解體,美國羸得了冷戰的最後勝利!中國也受到美國的明暗相助,改革開放,展開了經濟飛躍奇蹟!過去半個多世紀的史實已為美中関係未來的前景勾畫出了 明顯的輪廓:合作則互惠雙羸!敵對則兩敗俱傷!我們在這裡要向兩國的領導人大聲呼籲:增進美中暸解!加強美中合作!向和平繁榮的世界前進

 本論壇園地公開,希望與我們有相同信念的華人加入我們的行列,不論你來自何方,我們都歡迎你的來稿和信函,讓我們一起來為美中友誼的鞏固努力!讓我們一起來為中國的和平統一吶喊 !




    中美論壇社致聯邦參議員的公開信 (見英文版)

聯邦眾議院 1月10日通過了「臺灣旅行法」草案(HR 535),該案現正送交參院討論,表決。 這草案一旦變成法律將嚴重衝擊美中關係,直接危害美國,大陸和臺灣三地人民的根本利益。 美中關係如果惡化也絕對不利絕大多數美籍華人的整體生活環境,因此中美論壇社決定致信給聯邦參議員們希望表明我們反對該草案的立場。

本期英文稿件是陳立家先生代表本社給加州的重量級聯邦參議員范士丹女士的信件。 類似的信件將發給加州另一位參議員Harris及參院外交委員會的所有參議員們。



(美國) 中美論壇社
US-China Forum, Inc.
8837 E. Las Tunas Dr., Temple City, CA 91780, U.S.A.
TEL: 310-710-1860    EMAIL: USChinaForum@ca.rr.com

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Dear Senator   :

We, a group of concerned Chinese American citizens interested in promoting a long term better U.S.-China relation and a stable peaceful Asia-Pacific region, would like to pay our tribute and respect to your valuable service in the Sensate.
We are writing you to call your attention and urge you to consider voting “no” to S1051, Taiwan Travel Act (TTA) should it come to the full Senate for a vote.

This bill states that it should be the U.S. policy to: (1) allow officials at all levels of the U.S. government to travel to Taiwan to meet their Taiwan counterparts; (2) allow high level Taiwanese officials to enter the United States under respectful conditions and to meet with the U.S. officials; and (3) encourage the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Representatives Office and other instrumentalities established by Taiwan to conduct business in the United States.  The Department of State shall report to Congress regarding travel by the U.S. executive branch officials to Taiwan.
A similar bill has already passed the House as H.R.535 on 01/09/2018. We would like to point out the severity of outcome should the Senate follow suit and the President sign it into law.

We all know that the U.S.-China relations have been built on the understanding and commitment to the three communiqués signed by both sides (in 1972, 1979 and 1982), and the security of Taiwan has been under the protection based on the Taiwan Relations Act (1979). These 4 historical documents have been the cornerstones and consistent bipartisan U.S. foreign policy since 1970’s.

The enactment of TTA would certainly signify that the U.S is in no uncertain term to scrap the three Communiques that serve as the foundation of the diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China. Should that happen, the hard-earned progress and the great contribution that U.S. made to the betterment of lives of the 1.4 billion Chinese people since 1978 after China’s open and reform effort would be all for naught. But, would TTA bring peace and stability to the people in Taiwan? We do not believe that it would. On the contrary, the TTA will almost certainly provoke China to no longer honor its tacit commitment to a peaceful reunification of Taiwan. Instead, China might very well try to rely on a short but deadly military attack.  Is the U.S. prepared to face such a confrontation?  Even if our mighty military can win eventually, are we willing to pay such a dear price?

The U.S.-China relation has been one of, if not the most important bilateral relations between the two countries. Since the early 70’s, China has become one of the top three powers of the world. This achievement is met sometimes with the encouragement of the U.S., sometimes not.  For example, China has committed substantially her military force to the peacekeeping mission of the United Nations. In fact, China has dispatched to date more military personnel to such honorable tasks than any other UN member nations!  China’s active participation of the UN effort deserves our praise and support.

This planet we live in is with limited resources with ever increasing populations.  We have common problems that require joint collaborations rather than fighting against each other. By voting “no” to TTA, We are much better off to treat China as a friend, partner or even a peaceful competitor than an enemy leading to mutual destruction.

Respectfully submitted,


Richard Chen (or your name)
Director of Communications
U.S.-China Forum